Email Address

Phone Number

Lebanon +961 70 059 244

Our Team

toufic hamda

Toufic Hamdan

Toufic invented and patented the first Industrial Solar Oven. Toufic is Biomedical Engineer, Excimer Laser Specialist, and has 16 years of experience in Technical Consultancy, Software Development, and Product and Project development.  


Hitaf is the Operation and Communication manager. With a Marketing and Business administration background and 10 years of experience in business management, team leadership, and project management.


Maan is a Serial Entrepreneur, Investor, Philanthropist, and Mentor. He founded 14 international and multi-national companies. Maan’s mentorship has supported our team and business since the beginning of our journey.

Managing partner.

Toufic is the manager of technical and manufacturing development in Turkey. He is the owner and general manager of the Oubari Industry and Trading.